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Wednesday 26 March
Thursday 27 March
07:30 — 08:20
Registration & Exhibition
08:30 — 08:40
Moderator's Opening Remarks
Lieutenant-Colonel Fabrice Chassagne picture
Lieutenant-Colonel Fabrice Chassagne
08:40 — 08:55
Welcome Address

Director General, French Ministry of Interior General Directorate for Civil Security and Crisis Management (DGSCGC)

09:00 — 09:20
CALFIRE – AMENTUM Team: A World-Renowned Aviation Aerial Firefighting Program

Amentum Aviation is proud to be the Platinum Sponsor for the Aerial Firefighting Europe Conference 2025.  Our presentation will not only serve as an introduction to our company and its distinct capabilities to the Aerial Firefighting Community but will also explore the CALFIRE mission and what Amentum's capabilities are within that mission set.  We'll discuss aircraft, maintainers, pilots, fires response within our areas of operation, and our expectations and goals of keeping 95% of fires at 10 acres or less.  The discussion will continue to review the impact and results of our aerial firefighting goals and conclude with the addition of our C-130 fire fighting program.

Sean D. Navin picture
Sean D. Navin
09:20 — 10:10
PANEL: The Crisis of Capacity - Growing Aerial Needs are not Matched with Capacities

The Global AFF mission, as with all aspects of wildfire management, is seeing exponential growth in demand across most geographies.  Although investments are increasing in many nations, the increase in demand far outstrips available and currently planned investments.  What are the key chokepoints?  Where are the greatest risks?  This panel will look at important aspects of the AFF ecosystem to highlight and discuss the biggest challenges.

Matteo Monterosso picture
Matteo Monterosso
Luc Dugas picture
Luc Dugas
Jean-Christophe Maridat picture
Jean-Christophe Maridat
Professor Vaios Lappas picture
Professor Vaios Lappas
10:10 — 11:00
Refreshment Break & Exhibition
11:00 — 11:40
PANEL: Addressing the Crisis of Capacity

Having highlighted where shortfalls exist in the previous panel, we will now hear from key stakeholders on how they are addressing capacity challenges, and how they see resolution for some of the major factors, and what is needed, for the period ahead.

Hugo Arceo picture
Hugo Arceo
Domenico Mazza picture
Domenico Mazza
11:40 — 12:00
Command & Control Over the Fire - A Coordinated Approach

There are many benefits to dispatching a smaller aircraft to fly continuously over a fire, monitoring fire activity, mapping fire perimeters, assessing risk to nearby infrastructure, strategizing drops, coordinating aircraft, and communicating with pilots and ground crews.  Learn from one of these fire experts on how this command and control aircraft works to help slow down and contain extreme wildfires, ensuring drops from multiple aircraft are strategically placed for best results.

Michael Benson picture
Michael Benson
12:00 — 12:25
Strategic Approach for the AFF Renewal Programme in Spain
12:25 — 12:45
Presentation by De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited
12:45 — 14:15
Lunch Break & Exhibition
14:15 — 14:40
French Strategy & Expected Capability
Lieutenant-Colonel Fabrice Chassagne picture
Lieutenant-Colonel Fabrice Chassagne
14:40 — 15:00
FireScan: Multi-Spectrum Aerial Imagery Capture System
Eric Flores picture
Eric Flores
Pierre Carlotti picture
Pierre Carlotti
15:00 — 15:20
How to Improve Airtanker Drop Performance
Dominique Legendre picture
Dominique Legendre
15:20 — 15:50
Refreshment Break & Exhibition
15:50 — 16:35
PANEL: UAS & Space Operations - Moving to Mainstream Operations

New technologies are transforming the wildfire and AFF missions.  The emergence of space-based and uncrewed systems offers significant benefits to all stakeholders.  How best to harness these, and what are the options available today, and tomorrow?

Professor Vaios Lappas picture
Professor Vaios Lappas
Andrei Grishanov picture
Andrei Grishanov
Samuel Webb picture
Samuel Webb
16:35 — 16:55
Fire Drone - From Operational Requirements to a Technical Reference Framework for Civil Protection Drones

As part of the FIRE DRONE project, the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Crisis Management set up a working group made up of experts from the national land-based resources group (GMNT), the mine clearance response group (GID), the airborne resources group (GMA) and more than 20 fire departments from 7 defence and security zones in mainland France.  This working group has defined and developed scenarios for use that will be test in the New Aquitaine region.  The aim is to validate the specifications of the technical reference framework, particularly in terms of the added value of the integration and mass processing of the data captured by the drones.

General Inspector Francois Gros
Pierre Mace picture
Pierre Mace
Arnaud Rimokh picture
Arnaud Rimokh
16:55 — 17:15
Presentation by Airbus Helicopters
17:15 — 17:20
Moderator's Closing Remarks

Sponsored by Airbus Helicopters


Sponsored by Amentum Aviation

(invited guests only)

08:00 — 08:45
Registration & Exhibition
09:00 — 09:25
Claire Kowalewski picture
Claire Kowalewski
09:25 — 09:50
Hilary Franz picture
Hilary Franz
09:50 — 10:30
PANEL: NAEM (North Africa Eastern Mediterranean) - What are our Key Challenges? What do we Need in the AFF Context?

Nations in North Africa and Near/Middle East are not immune to the ravages of wildfire, and global warming.  Nonetheless, the aerial fire mission is not yet as central to wildfire management for many, and it is in Southern Europe, and this panel is an opportunity for senior stakeholders from some of the key nations to share their experiences and growing requirements.


Major Laurent Alfonso picture
Major Laurent Alfonso
Colonel Mus’ab Taha Falah Al-Meleefi
10:30 — 10:50
Simulated Skies: Elevating Pilot Preparedness for Firefighting

Explore how you can elevate your pilots' skills and enhance the safety of your fire-fighting operations with innovative and cost-effective flight training devices.

Nacho Navacerrada picture
Nacho Navacerrada
10:50 — 11:30
Refreshment Break & Networking
11:30 — 12:10
PANEL: 2024 Fire Season & What We Got Right - What We Need to Improve

Every year brings new challenges, and new efforts to improve outcomes.  2024 was no different and the assembled panellist's have important insights to discuss and share.

Matthew Bulow picture
Matthew Bulow
Colonel Zisoula Ntasiou picture
Colonel Zisoula Ntasiou
Lieutenant-Colonel Fabrice Chassagne picture
Lieutenant-Colonel Fabrice Chassagne
12:10 — 12:30
Evolution of Helicopter Aerial Fire Suppression Systems - Legacy Water Bucket versus Fixed Tank

The presentation will provide fundamental differences in the employment of helicopter legacy water buckets and fixed tanks in the every emerging global wildfire threat.  Focused topic areas:

•  System Efficiency   •  Safety   •  Regulatory Compliance   •  Maintenance   •  Flight Crew Training   •  Proper Application   •  Initial Attack Response Speeds   •  NVIS and NVG Operations   •  Environmental Benefit   •  Agency Certification

The attendee will leave with a comprehensive understanding of the proper application of water buckets and fixed tanks.  Aided with this knowledge, Decision Makers, Wildfire Managers, Operation Personnel and Contracting Officers will gain a better understanding on how to deploy, manage, and resource the right aerial fire suppression system for safe, efficient, cost saving operations.

Joseph Rice picture
Joseph Rice
12:30 — 13:10
PANEL: Overwhelmed? - Adapting the AFF Mission to the New Normal of Extreme Wildfire Conditions

How to maintain the efficacy and impact of aerial operations in the new environmental conditions, particularly high wind and other extreme weather?  This panel brings science, front line practitioners and vendors together to consider the way forward.

Brian Fennessy picture
Brian Fennessy
Dominique Legendre picture
Dominique Legendre
Edward Goldberg picture
Edward Goldberg
Dr. Frederique Giroud picture
Dr. Frederique Giroud
Bill Schuster picture
Bill Schuster
13:10 — 13:30
Presentation by United Aeronautical Corporation
13:30 — 15:00
Lunch Break & Networking
15:00 — 15:40
PANEL: Global Support in the New Era - With Fire Seasons Becoming All Year Round, is a New Approach Needed?

Until recently, the predictable fire seasons in both Hemispheres allowed for efficient sharing of assets, people and resource around the world (when needed).  With more and more nations experiencing in-season shortages, and extended fire seasons, collaboration is being re-defined.  Our gathering of senior stakeholders will consider this challenge and suggest new methods that are working or need to be considered.


Brian Fennessy picture
Brian Fennessy
Hilary Franz picture
Hilary Franz
Colonel Zisoula Ntasiou picture
Colonel Zisoula Ntasiou
Claire Kowalewski picture
Claire Kowalewski
15:40 — 16:00
CTIF - Enhancing Ground-Air Collaboration Across the Fire Season
Milan Dubravac picture
Milan Dubravac
16:00 — 16:20
Global Fire Management Hub: Enhancing Interoperability at an International Level
Professor Dr. Johann Goldammer picture
Professor Dr. Johann Goldammer
16:20 — 16:30
Moderator's Closing Remarks & Event Close

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